Swimming Pool Advice Tips

Read these 7 Swimming Pool Advice Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Swimming Pool tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Why should you do research before buying your pool?

Investigate Before Investing

You buy a candy bar and you don't like how it tastes so you simply toss it and buy another one—no biggie. The cost a candy is not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things. An inground swimming pool, however, is a different story.

More swimming pool advice: Swimming pools are more than a purchase, they are an investment—something that can alter the cost of the house. Plus, an inground pool is pretty permanent. If you're unhappy with a pool it's a bit more complicated to scrap it. For this reason, you might want to do research before buying (try surfing the net and asking friends who have pools).

*Don't forget to factor the costs into your decision. Remember the swimming pool isn't set after it's built. Keep in mind that there are maintenance and up keep costs that will be around as long as you own your pool.

Why use finerglass for creating a swimming pool?

The Future: Fiberglass

Fiberglass isn't just about clear backboards and pink corvettes. Today, this tough material can also be found in swimming pools. You can buy fiberglass pools in a variety of shapes and they can also be created in any color.

Another fiberglass advantage deals with the “scrape factor” a fiberglass surface is smooth to the touch (as opposed to concrete which is a bit rough around the edges). Fiberglass is the most expensive of all the pool materials, however, it needs the least maintenance.

*Before buying a fiberglass swimming pool, make sure you check your landscape. Since fiberglass pools shapes are pre-designed you can't change them in mid-installation, like concrete.

What is the benefit of using concrete for a swimming pool?

Concrete: A Solid Choice

Looking for swimming pool advice? Concrete is one of the oldest types of materials for building swimming pools. It is also long lasting. In fact, concrete pools constructed by the ancient Romans are still around today.

Aside from being durable, concrete can be designed and way you like. Concrete pools can be made into any shape you want (evidence of this can be seen in almost any celebrity backyard in Hollywood Hills). You can also decorate concrete swimming pools with ease by adding tiles, paints, pebbles and pretty much anything else.

There are two ways to create concrete pools. Poured and Guinite. Gunite pools are a mixture of concrete that is sprayed onto a frame. Guinite is more popular over poured concrete because it's an easier process, plus the end result is more durable.

*Although concrete pools will last for a while eventually they will need a bit of a facelift (usually after 7 to 10 years). So keep that in mind when factoring costs.

What is a swimming pool & spa?

Pools That Provide More

No one has the key to everlasting youth and no one has the key to exercise without pain. For these reasons, swim spas have become pretty popular with people. A Swim Spa Pool is a swimming pool and spa divided into two areas—one part is for regular swimming and the other part is a spa section usually comprised of a seating area and jets built right in the pool. The jets in the spa section spray a high power stream of water (perfect for relieving tension in the back or other aching joints). In most swim spas, jet power and even water temperature can be controlled in some cases.

*If you intend to add a spa portion to your pool you might want to consult a health professional (like a physical therapist). Not only can they recommend quality equipment, but they can also tell you the proper way to use your spa.


Why Choose a Counter-Current Pool?

Go ahead, swim in place! Counter-current pools are incredible. You have the ability to swim in place while getting the total benefits of a full sized pool. The pools can be used for:

• Recreation
• Competitive swimming
• Exercise Rehabilitation

The Endless Pool is the best option when considering a lap pool so you can swim at home. You can install it either indoors or outdoors. A variety of options are available for your selection to create your own customizable swimming machine.

What is an indoor pool?

Outdoor Fun Indoors

Unfortunately, not every area is perfect for an outdoor pool. Some places can be very windy, always cold, and rainy. Land also might make it tough to create a foundation for a pool. If you do live in an area with these problems you still have an alternative—indoor pools.

Obviously, adding a pool to the inside of your house is a bit more expensive. Also, you need to make sure your house can handle this addition, structurally. Since an indoor pool needs to be kept at a higher temperature it will get pretty humid. Indoor pools also need a number of chemicals to maintain and cleanse it. For these reasons, whatever room you go with should have proper ventilation.

What is the minimum pool size for doing laps?

Pools With A Purpose

Looking to get in shape? Before you choose a pool shape to swim laps in, keep in mind that an Olympic size pool will run about 164 feet (though if you don't have that much yard to play with a minimal of 24 to 42ft. will do for regular laps).

*If you normally work out in an Olympic size pool stay alert when swimming laps in a smaller surrounding (keep in mind that you will hit the wall early).

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Lynne Christen